There it was. The subcutaneous fat was evident, but also the one that intermingled with the fibers that were already barely apparent.
Others, lean, surrounded its existence with clear condemnation. Tough!
The fat only occupied the space of those that are not lean. Hands groped it, seeking to test its softness. Flabby!
This fat one, is not even comparable to the others there. Lean! Suddenly the fat one was caught, seized, imprisoned, cut, and placed to burn in the searing heat of the fiery hell.
The fat one burned in a mix of rage and lament. Liquid dripped in droplets of tears from its voluminous body.
Around it, they shouted in catharsis for its sacrifice. Fat!
Said its smiling and excited executioners. Only a few minutes were enough for its ultimate end.
The soft meat on the cutting board was exhausted in the animal pleasure of hungry mouths. Now the lean ones, said the still unsatisfied participants.
Thus, the barbecue among friends continued.