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Gespão: an administrative fable

Writer: Anderson Luis da SIlvaAnderson Luis da SIlva

The Gespão bakery was founded by Gervásio, patriarch of the Canes family, in 1946. Papa Ge, as he was affectionately called by his family and friends, was a gentle man from the town of Larrabezúa, in the province of Vizcaya, Spain.

His bakery grew and gained notoriety over the years. The aroma of the many daily batches wafted through the streets of the neighborhood in search of hungry noses. Lines would often form on the sidewalk.

Papa Ge lived at the helm of his bakery until death took him one cold autumn afternoon.

His sons would then take over the traditional Gespão. All three had graduated, but chose to pursue careers in other fields, until, at that fateful moment, destiny presented them with the challenge of maintaining their father's legacy.

Week 1

Ênio, the oldest of the three, had studied biology. Yago, the middle one, had studied law, and Ruan, the youngest, business administration. The three of them met at their parents' house and decided that, because of his aptitude, the youngest Ruan would be in charge of running the old bakery. Yago would take care of the legal requirements and Ênio would continue his activity outside the family farm.

Ruan was a lively young man, who spent a good part of his day looking for technological innovations, market analysis, future trends and participating more and more in social and digital networks.

His father's business had stalled in time and needed to modernize.

Second week

Ruan and Yago visit Gespão and are greeted by Mr. Roberval, current manager and Papa Ge's right-hand man, who had started working there shortly after the company was founded, then as a small bread delivery boy. They walk through the rooms and observe the established processes. Ruan constantly whispers something in his brother's ear, pointing here and there from time to time. Roberval introduces the two as Papa Ge's sons. How they have grown, says one. Long time no see, says another. Their father was a good man, says a third.

The employees follow them with their eyes as they inspect the premises. The customers follow oblivious to the two men in suits strolling through the bakery.

Week 3

Ruan informs Roberval that he would like to speak to all the employees. Due to shift schedules, he would do so by email. This way he could inform them all of the important changes that were coming.

In this way, Roberval knew that his services would no longer be needed. Ruan and Yago thanked him for his commitment and dedication over so many years and wished him good luck in his new challenges.

The news fell like a bombshell among the other employees, who, saddened, organized to fight back.

Ruan received in his office a committee made up of the baker, the counter manager and the cashier. They would speak on behalf of everyone. They asked for Roberval's dismissal to be reconsidered and explained his importance in the processes and in the management of the teams.

Ruan thanked them for their considerations, said he would reflect on everything and that everyone's participation was always welcome.

Week 4

Ruan reports the hiring of Toddy Torrela, the new manager of the unit, who would start this week the process of modernization of Gespão. No one, however, saw the new hire in the following days, he was too busy analyzing spreadsheets, setting targets and studying competitors.

Employees wore a background with Roberval's image on their chests in protest.

Week 5

Toddy Torrela finally shows up with Ruan. They walk through the spaces and write things down on a spreadsheet. Visiting the bakery area, they report that new machines will soon be arriving and that they are counting on everyone's cooperation to install them correctly.

In the customer service area they would also make a change, outdated colors and decorative elements would be removed and lights and mirrors would be introduced.

The staff stripped down.

Week 6

The machines arrived, gaining prominence in the bakery area. There were beating, kneading, slicing and baking machines. All automated. Fast, modern and cheap.

That day, Antônio Graça, the baker, received a resignation e-mail. It read: "We thank you for your commitment and dedication for so many years and wish you good luck in your new challenges".

The same message suddenly reached the other members of the kitchen. New employees had been hired to operate the newly arrived machines.

Week 7

Gespão is renewed and hardly resembles the old bakery founded by Papa Ge. Now, in tune with the new times, it continued its growth path. A few employees remained, many others were hired. The constant change of personnel prevented more personal relationships from being established; at the same time, the dismissal of a more expensive employee made it possible to hire a cheaper one.

There was also a significant change in clientele. New faces came and went, few stayed, some consumed through orders placed on delivery apps, they didn't even know where the old bakery was located, all at the push of a button. Many complaints appeared in the communication channels installed in the bakery and on social networks. The quality of your product has gone down, what happened, some asked. The service is lousy? I miss Papa Ge. Gespão garbage!

Toddy Torrela decides to take action. He removes the "talk to me" boxes from the establishment and hires a company to manage the networks. The bad comments would no longer remain in the evaluations. Problem solved.

Week 8

Ruan, Yago and Ênio meet with Toddy. Business was not going well. They no longer had the same bread, they lost quality, they became a space without culture, without identity. Toddy Torrela presented some spreadsheets and graphs. The market had changed, all bakeries were going through this, it was not a specific problem, but a global reality. They would have to adapt to the new times.

He then presented a new Gespão innovation program. "Our daily bread!

We will create a series of promotional pieces in which our clients will share their morning "innovation" on our networks. The best and most voted ideas will be incorporated into our product package.

Week 9

The innovation program generated an internal movement among employees, everyone had to wear a T-shirt with the image of their daily snack. They always responded to customers with the rehearsed phrase: "my bread is your bread".

Some interventions were made on the networks, Toddy increased spending on the campaign, boosting the results. Successful memes were created.

Week 10

Ruan informs the brothers that the crisis in the bakery system has worsened, and perhaps they should think about new directions for the business. Ênio suggests adopting the "Pet Friendly" concept, the brothers love it, Toddy approves, and they immediately put the proposal into practice.

Soon, customers start arriving, enthusiastic about the novelty. Tuty, a Chihuahua was unfriendly and bit Mrs. Mirna's shin; Belinda, a Labrador, made herself at home and jumped over the counter falling on the freshly baked cheese bread; Donut, a beautiful and imposing St. Bernard chose a bad day to have an intestinal disorder.

Ruan, startled by the unexpected results, asks Toddy how come they couldn't foresee it. I guess we didn't evaluate the scenarios properly, he replies without much confidence.

Cancel Pet Friendly immediately, Ruan points out.

Week 11

After the failure of the previous actions, the brothers decide to meet again with Toddy Torrela, the manager. Things are not going well. The previous actions were disastrous. We no longer deliver the product we were delivering when our father left the bakery. We are no longer recognized in the neighborhood, some don't even know we are a bakery.

And if we rehire Roberval as my assistant, Toddy is at risk. He died informs Yago.

*For a new experience he exchanges the bakery for the school, the baker for the teacher and the bread for education.


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